Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Toe by Toe

As you may know from previous posts, my Daughter is quite severely Dyslexic – she was tested when she was 6 ½ (apparently the earliest they test for it in our area) and it was confirmed (although we obviously already had our suspicions). Now she is 8 she is quite a way behind most of her classmates but is going through a stage where she is most enthusiastic about learning to read and write properly. When she was first diagnosed we had had the Toe by Toe system recommended to us – we discussed this with the School but they felt she was probably too young for it at the time. Now that she’s a bit older and showing so much enthusiasm we have bought the book and done our first four sessions (usually not long after she wakes up as she starts each day wanting to do her “lesson!”)

If you haven’t heard of it the Toe by Toe website is here for anyone that is interested. It takes things right back to basics and can show dramatic increases in a child’s reading age.

We’re quite hopeful that its really going to help her and hopefully once we’ve done it through the last bit of the Summer term and also through the Summer Holidays that she’ll start Year 5 in September having taken a big step forward!

1 comment:

jo said...

thanks for ino , i have a son with hydro and learning problems , i think this will me great ty. jo x