Thursday, 20 September 2007

Must have seemed a good idea at the time!

I have to say I've had to cut down on dancing a bit lately, mainly due to lack of cash with Del off work at the moment and the "home improvements" etc :-( I have been going regularly to tap though due to the fact I am taking my "Adult Fun Tap Exam" (level 1) on Sunday. We have had a lot of laughs preparing for it, but there are times when we've seriously questionned the word "fun" lol. For some reason when our dance teacher told us about it, we all found ourselves saying "oh OK, we'll have a go...." (she's very persuasive in a clever sort of psychological way which means you find yourself agreeing to do things without her actually having to ask directly!) We then get a whole week off before she starts getting on the dances for the annual show the School puts on each Easter - when we joined the dance class in June 2006, the one thing we all said was "Ok, we'll have a go as long as we're not in the show....."

And yes we all did the show last year - told you she was a clever lady!

1 comment:

Kath said...

Think of all that lovely exercise though...and the calories you will use up.